How it all began


Ashley Bell


Looking back, I am not sure exactly when my love for baking started. I can remember early on being in the kitchen, baking around the holidays with my mom and grandma. We used to make all sorts of Christmas treats that included powdered sugar “snowballs”, peanut brittle, chocolate crinkle cookies and so many other things. I can remember thumbing through my mom’s index recipe cards and thinking how it was so neat how these recipes have been passed along throughout the years. I laugh as I write this because who has recipe index cards anymore? You could say that the new-age version is our Pinterest board which we all love.

So, when did my love for baking start? You could say it was during the holidays with my family back when I was just a young girl. Throughout my life, I have always loved to bake. It wasn’t until 2015 when I started dipping my toes into the cake world. The cake world seemed scary. Not only did you have to know how to bake well, but there was a certain level of creativity and technique needed to decorate it well. I am a decently crafty person and love Do-It-Yourself projects so you could say I had some level of creativity already. It wasn’t long before family and friends started asking me to make cakes and cupcakes for birthdays and baby showers. This is when all the fun began. I began expanding myself and pushing myself beyond cakes to include cake pops, cookies and more. There has been many trials and errors throughout the years, but I love what I do, and I love seeing the smiles on my customers faces even more.

Here I am today. I am a mother to two little boys, Soren and Atticus and a wife to my husband Abe. My family are some of my greatest cheerleaders, and they are always encouraging me and pushing me to be the best version of myself. My kids and husband are also certified taste testers, and I don’t think they are opposed to that title! Aside from being a certified taste tester, my husband is also my certified dish washer which I am beyond grateful for! Thank you for all the love and support! I wouldn’t be here with this little business if it were not for all my friends, family and customers who have supported me over the years.